First-Ever Talent Show Shines Spotlight on Salesian Performers
Salesian senior Keo Pangan dazzles the crowd one last time.
February 24, 2020
Talent was everywhere on Friday, February 7 as student council president Joe Sheets hosted the first ever Salesianum Talent Show! The show featured everything from musicians and rappers to singers, dancers, and jugglers. The event, which was created in part by Salesianum history teacher Julia Endrizzi, was meant to be a chance for kids to show off their talents and artistic abilities. “I wanted to have a talent show,” said Mrs. Endrizzi, “to give the students who are too busy to be in the musicals or drama the chance to be creative and show off their talents.” She added that, “It really builds community to see students performing that you normally don’t get to see in that kind of way.”
One of the most memorable moments from the night came when harpist and Salesian senior Keo Pangan delivered yet another stellar performance for possibly the last time in front of the student body. The performance had everyone on their feet.
Following musical performances from Sean Mann, Brendan Culloty, Hunter Tuschinski, Father Zumbrum, Ben Azevedo, Jake Poppiti, Mr. and Mrs. Drake, Quadir Colvin, Zach Miller, Seamus Oliver, and of course Keo, along with dancers, Mrs. Polidori, Mr. Finn, and Mrs. Endrizzi, the night concluded with juggler David Monge. David took the stage with confidence, juggling in the dark with only the glow from the balls to light the stage. However, despite the impression, it wasn’t always this easy for David to show off his talents to others. David confessed earlier in the year that he struggled for years to truly be himself in front of his peers. “I went through a period of my life where I stopped juggling because I was afraid my peers wouldn’t think it was cool. I became self conscious and hid my talent for almost two years,” said David.
He was eventually able to find solace in the support he received from many of his friends. “With their support I started a juggling club and came to accept my gifts as part of who I am. If it wasn’t for them, I wouldn’t have had the courage to start juggling again and been able to perform in the talent show.”
David Monge was ultimately named the first ever winner of the Salesianum talent show after a live audience vote from those in attendance. When asked about the win David said, “that solidified my confidence and proved to me that being who you are and being that well is the best way to live life.” Mrs. Endrizzi was satisfied overall with how the talent show turned out. “The audience was awesome! So many kids came up to me afterward and were surprised that the acts were as good as they were. They were really excited throughout. So much fun!”
We are looking forward to seeing if Salesianum will host the talent show again next year after this year’s success.