Staying Connected During These Trying Times
How Salesianum Students are Staying Plugged Into the Brotherhood in a Virtual School Setting
Keeping up with the Club Fair… ONLINE?
September 21, 2020
Being a part of the brotherhood has always been an essential element of Salesianum’s culture. At its core, the brotherhood is a shared, diverse connection between every student at Sallies. Whether it be via clubs, sports, activities, in class, or in school-wide events, students have always found ways to fully immerse themselves in the brotherhood.
This year, the immersion we have been accustomed to is no doubt more challenging.
With masks on and six feet apart, students in the 2020-2021 school year face the challenge of immersing themselves in a brotherhood at half-capacity. This challenge is even greater for those who, due to a variety of circumstances, are at-home and online this school year. Without physically seeing their fellow peers in the classroom each week, one has to wonder, how are these students staying connected to the brotherhood?
For Javier Lorenzo ‘21, this connection has come through a variety of different clubs. “Even though I’m starting at home,” Lorenzo says, “meeting with my typical clubs such as the Math Center and Chess Club have been really fun ways to socialize and meet new students.” Indeed, Javier has been keeping both his mathematical and chess skills sharp. While Javier mentions that he no doubt misses seeing his friends in the hallways and in classrooms, he still has been able to meaningfully connect with them through clubs and activities.
Similarly, Declan McGlinchey ‘21 has several found ways to remain close to many of his peers. “I keep up with my friends through Facetime and text,” McGlinchey mentions. “We also hang out outside of school, whilst staying socially distant.” Regardless of the challenges, McGlinchey has been staying connected to his friends at school, remotely and safely.
One may believe that these students’ lack of presence in the building has seemingly stripped their presence in the brotherhood as well, but this is far from true. Whether it be through chess, Facetime, or text, virtual students are staying plugged into both their screens and the Salesian brotherhood. Despite the challenges they face, they are taking hold of their opportunities at home, and are not letting go.