Changing SALSthon to Change the World

Vincent Kornacki

Student Council member Cal Walsh, ‘21 stands confidently with the eight chosen charities.

Vincent Kornacki, Reporting Journalist

In an exciting video last week, the Salesianum student council announced our plans for this year’s SALSthon. Matching this irregular year, the proposal for SALSthon is equally bizarre. Instead of having the entire school donate to just one charity like in previous years, each house was assigned a specific charity that would benefit from their fundraising. Currently, Birkenheuer is paired with SummerCollab, Lawless is working with Limen House, Rosaio is fundraising for UnLocke the Light, Haley-Carpenter is partnered with AI DuPont Children’s Hospital, Kenney is helping the Delaware Center for Homeless Veterans, Fromentin is matched with the B+ Foundation, Quintus is aiding Child, Inc, and Tucker is grouped with the St. Patrick’s Center. These charities were not chosen at random, however. Every one of them was a beneficiary of previous SALSthon events over the last eight years. 

The number of recipient charities is not the only change happening to SALSthon this year. As you have no doubt heard, the SALSthon dance will not be occurring this year. Unfortunately, it is just not logistically possible to fit a massive number of students in any area while still following COVID protocols. In the words of senior Dom Rapposelli, “it’s rough but… there’s no way we can have a traditional SALSthon so I’ll take what I can get.”

While the leaderboards will be constantly changing over the next few weeks, at the time of writing, Birkenheuer House is in the lead with $1,175 raised for their charity. However, the Coin Wars just ended last Friday.  While the results are not out yet, they could change up the rankings in the leaderboards. In the meantime, if you are not in Birkenheuer, there are many ways for you to help your house take the lead. The method you are most familiar with is Challenge 250, which has been changed this year to Challenge 150. The concept is still the same, however. Simply create an account and try to raise $150 for your house’s charity. In addition to Challenge 150, the Salesianum community is organizing multiple other events to benefit the SALSthon charities. To benefit the B+ Foundation, senior leaders are planning a Warzone tournament on March 13 at 3pm. If you want to enter, you can sign up here.