Salesianum’s Top Dogs

May 1, 2023
Salesianum has two school dogs, Dewey and Louie, and here is what you need to know about them.
Dewey came to Sallies along with Mr. Adams this year and is a certified training dog who helps people in need or to be in the presence of someone who is stressed. He goes to nursing homes and hospitals for comfort and a calm atmosphere. Dewey hasn’t been able to do this as much ever since COVID started, but students and staff at Salesianum say that Dewey makes them happy, lightening the mood of the people he is around and everywhere he goes. Dewey knows when people need help or are in a sad mood. Dewey loves to run around the school and get petted by everyone in the hallways and especially at lunch. In the lunchroom, you might see Dewey running around the tables eating the little bits of food we dropped, the kids also feed him a french fry or a chicken nugget. Dewey will also sit in the lunch line with his best friend, Louie, and wait until they get food. In PREP, whenever Dewey walks in, he starts running around, and students can tell he is so happy to be there. Sometimes when I have religion class, Dewey walks into Mrs. Hildenbrands’ room and gets treats from her. At the end of his big day, Dewey is slumped and ready for a big nap.
Louie is the Sallies’ dog, and he is caring and loving to the students. Louie is not trained like Dewey is, but both dogs have a lot in common. One story about Louie that Athletic Director Mrs. Godfrey likes to tell is when Louie was away from her, he went into the gym after Prep and took a poop right in the middle of the gym floor while a number of students were still present who took photos as proof. Louie loves rawhide bones and food from the kids. Sometimes you will see Louie playing with a toy with students after gym class. When Louie gets home to Mrs. Godfrey’s home, he loves to run around in the backyard and bark at the people walking, his way of saying, hello.