In a heartfelt tribute to a beloved educator, Salesianum School recently honored Phil Vavala, a 1966 alumnus and long-serving teacher, by renaming Fromentin House as Fromentin-Vavala. The ceremony took place on September 20th during the Feast of the Archangels Mass, a day celebrating service and remembrance, as the school’s eight houses came together to recognize Mr. Vavala’s indelible impact on the institution and its students.
Mr. Vavala, who taught at Salesianum for over 40 years, is remembered as an educator dedicated to continual improvement and innovation. Reflecting on Mr. Vavala’s legacy, Father Beretta said, “He was always innovating, always improving, always working to get better, never settling for anything other than greatness in the classroom. And I think he just was an inspiration to just generations of students who went through here.” This dedication, Beretta noted, was the reason Mr. Vavala became the first change to the house system since its creation 14 years ago.
In his role as a science teacher and chair, Mr. Vavala was instrumental in shaping the very science wing students use today, designing laboratories and the DNA megamolecule display that have become integral to the student experience. Father Beretta emphasized this lasting contribution, calling it a “generational action that will impact students in the labs and classrooms for years to come.”
The house system at Salesianum, originally created through collaboration between students and teachers, encourages students to belong to something larger than themselves. This sense of belonging, explained Beretta, embodies Salesianum’s culture: “A place where people can truly belong and learn to be who they are…you’re here to grow. You’re going to belong to something bigger than yourself, because that’s how anybody learns how to be the best version of themselves.”
The renaming of Fromentin House to Fromentin-Vavala serves as a lasting tribute to a man who not only helped to build Salesianum’s facilities but also its culture. As students reflect on Mr. Vavala’s legacy, they are reminded to make the most of their time at Salesianum, to continue the legacy of those who came before them, and to strive for excellence in their own educational journeys.